.......when our table was filled this is how it looked! Our table was named "Castle Ogaki" and I was at seat 5. :-)
Before the evening meal, there was a time for the youth to share a song or songs that had been an encouragment to them. I played "The Master Hath Come" on the piano, and there were many others who contributed lovely pieces as well. (In this picture the choir is singing the song "Alpha and Omega". )
After the music their were those who shared some words of wisdom, which was then followed by the meal.
(A picture of Travis, my older brother, dressed as a Japanese waiter. Once the youth graduate they are then asked if they would like to serve at the banquet....they did a wonderful job! Thanks!)The menu included:
Teriyaki Chicken, rice, mixed vegetables, saled, spring roll and cobbler for dessert!
There were chop sticks available (as well as the traditional silverware) which made eating quite interesting and fun! :-)

Here are some pictures that were taken after the scheduled part of the banquet had concluded.

Travis and Sarah A. led the choir. They did very well!:-)
And that's all......:-)God Bless!~Chloe~"It is good to give thanks to the LORD And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;
To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning
And Your faithfulness by night..."
Psalm 92:1,2